Kuti’s Royal Thai Pier Southampton – LOVE Letter and White LED Dancefloor

LOVE letter hire and white LED Dancefloor Hire at Kuti’s Royal Thai Pier in Southampton.

Solent Hotel & Spa – 12ft LED Dancefloor and 5ft LOVE Letters

Back at the solent hotel & spa, this time with a 12ft x 12ft LED Dancefloor and 5ft LOVE letters on hire

Marriott Portsmouth – Black & White with LED Feature Dancefloor

Another one of our feature dancefloors this time at the Marriott Portsmouth

Explosion Museum Gosport – LED Twinkle Dancefloor

One of our LED Dancefloors at the Explosion Museum in Gosport

Marwell Hotel – Dancefloor Hire

Here we are at the Marwell Hotel with our LED Twinkle Dancefloor

Royal Marines Museum – LED Dancefloor Hire

One of our 14ft x 14ft White LED Dancefloors on hire at the royal marines museum

Balmer Lawn Marquee Wedding – Dancefloor Hire

One of our LED Dancefloors on hire at Balmer Lawn, New Forest in a marquee in the grounds.

Norton Park – 16ft x 16ft White LED Dancefloor Hire

Dancefloor for hire at Norton Grange, Winchester

West Middlesex Golf Club – White LED Dancefloor Hire

one of our 14ft x 14ft White LED dancefloors on hire at West Middlesex Golf Club

MOD Lyneham – Black & White with LED Feature Dancefloor

Here we have a LED Twinkle Dancefloor featured inside of a Black and White Chequered Dancefloor on Hire at MOD Lyneham